Disputes and refunds

Contact the merchant

In the case of payment on site, first contact the seller to resolve your purchase problem. The seller has 2 working days to respond to you in an attempt to resolve the dispute.
In the event of a commercial conversation on Sphere, you may contact the seller up to 7 days after payment. The seller has 1 day (24 hours) to respond to you in an attempt to resolve the dispute.

Making a complaint to Sphere

In the case of onsite payments, if a seller or individual seller has not responded to your request or resolved the issue after 2 working days, you can make a complaint which we will investigate on the third working day.
In the case of a commercial conversation on Sphere, if a seller has not responded to your enquiry or resolved the issue after 1 business day, you have 2 days (48 hours) to file a complaint for Sphere to investigate.
When you make a complaint, answer the questions asked and give details of the problem on the form. We will investigate your complaint, including any messages you and the seller have sent to each other, and any necessary documentation from the buyer and seller. We usually respond within 48 hours.

Refunds and returns

When requesting a refund, please remember to contact the seller within the returns period indicated on the product listing and follow their instructions for returning the delivered item.
If the seller does not respond or does not follow its posted returns policy, you may need to provide us with a valid tracking number for the returned item or other proof of return in order to receive the refund under Purchase Protection.
If you are returning an item purchased through a sales conversation on Sphere, please remember to contact the seller within the return period indicated on the product listing and follow their instructions for returning the item delivered. Sphere does not support the return of products.


If you pay on site, you can make a claim for the full price of an item if the purchase price is less than or equal to 500,000 CFA francs, including tax and shipping costs. There is a lifetime limit of 2,500,000 Fcfa.
You must make the claim within 45 days of the delivery date of your purchased product or within 60 days for unauthorised purchases. If you have not received your item, you must wait 2 days after the last scheduled delivery day to make a claim.
When reporting unauthorised purchases, we recommend that you do so immediately so that we can protect you from financial loss. You must send the complaint within 60 days of invoicing.

You must comply with our terms and conditions and policies, including the Community Payment Terms and Conditions, to be eligible for Purchase Protection.
In the event of a commercial conversation on Sphere, you can file a claim for the total price of an item when the purchase price is less than or equal to 150,000 Fcfa, including taxes and shipping costs. There is a lifetime limit of 450,000 Fcfa. If you mark an item as a receipt, you will not be able to make a claim.
You must submit your claim within 3 days (72 hours) of the delivery date of your purchased product or within 7 days of payment if no delivery date is indicated. If you have not received your item, you must wait until 2 days after the last estimated day of delivery to make a claim.
You must comply with our terms and conditions and policies to be eligible for Purchase Protection.

Dispute resolution and closure

If we agree with a buyer's claim, Sphere may, in some cases, offer a partial refund. Otherwise, the amount refunded will include the full purchase price of the item plus taxes and shipping charges. Decisions on claims are made at our sole discretion.
If we approve a buyer's claim regarding a commercial conversation on Sphere, the buyer will be refunded the full purchase price of the item plus taxes and shipping. Decisions on claims are made at Sphere's sole discretion.
In some cases, we may offer a goodwill refund at our sole discretion. The granting of a goodwill refund may depend on a buyer's purchase history, including previous refund requests and the total number of purchases made.

Claims rejected

Your claim may be rejected under this policy in the following cases:

  • The item received is the same as the one described by the merchant at the time of your purchase.
  • The claim was made because the buyer regrets the purchase.
  • The item has been received and the merchant has verified delivery of the product.
  • You have disputed the transaction with the bank that provided your credit or debit card.
  • You have not provided sufficient evidence required by Sphere to support your claim.


Breach of policy

If you make fraudulent claims relating to purchases made on Sphere, we may deactivate your payments or take further action on your account.